The Sentinel: Letter to the Editor: A Bipartisan Thank You to Senator Hurtado

In today’s political climate we cannot be afraid to give credit where it is due. Today I “tip my hat” to our State Senator, Melissa Hurtado.

Recently the Senator showed that she approaches her job differently than some in public office who often spout hollow rhetoric and think their job is done. Refreshingly, she has brought energy, common sense and a results oriented attitude to the forefront in serving her constituency, and people are taking notice.“Water=Jobs” printed on signs scatter around the Valley are not hollow words to her. She knows from life experience the importance of both. So when a water shortage in her legislative district was about to result in the fallowing of thousands of acres of farm land, the loss of 2,500 jobs and reduced water quality for disadvantages communities, we didn’t have to ask her twice for help.  

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